Assange raises NZ$80 million through collaboration with crypto artist Pak

  • : Aotearoa 4 Assange
  • : 11/02/2022
  • Jailed journalist Julian Assange has recieved a massive boost to his campaign to regain his freedom, raising a record-breaking NZ$80 million in less than a week on the Juice box crypto platform.
    Renowned crypto-artist Pak collaborated with Assange, to produce NFT artworks which have been used solely to raise money for Assange’s defence and other press freedom and humanitarian causes.

    The artwork came in two parts. A 1/1 edition titled ‘Clock’ which counts the days which Assange has spent behind bars, and an open edition titled ‘Censored’ which allows buyers to craft their own unique message which gets ‘censored’ with a line through it.

    Assange is fighting against extradition to the US for publishing secret documents which exposed state crimes. This is an unprecedented case that Amnesty International and other human rights groups are warning threatens global press freedom and freedom of information .

    Tens of thousands of people have joined AssangeDAO to raise the 16593.05 ethereum used to win the art auction in support of Assange. AssangeDAO moderator JB said in a statement ‘this is tens of thousands of people coming together to show real strength – the Power of the People. In less than one week, we have shown that decentralised and distributed peoples can band together to fight injustice.’

  • : Matt Ó Branáin
  • : National Co-ordinator of Aotearoa 4 Assange
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OP-ED: Asylum for Assange – How the NZ government can lead the way home for the world’s highest profile political prisoner

  • : Aotearoa 4 Assange
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  • OP-ED by Greg Barns SC and Craig Tuck – Human Rights lawyers from Australia and New Zealand.

    Julian Assange is facing politically motivated criminal charges, laid by the Trump Administration. These charges reflect an abuse of process, designed to silence Assange, and to gag media freedom. Assange’s case has profound implications for the right of the public to know the truth about government wrongdoing – particularly abroad.  In late October a court in London heard argument in an appeal by the US against a decision in January this year by Judge Vanessa Baraitser not extradite Assange.

    New Zealand – as a responsible member of the international community – must stand on the side of fairness and transparency by offering Assange asylum.

    While the legal process continues Assange is being kept in limbo: held in Belmarsh prison while he awaits a decision as to whether he will be deported from the UK to the United States where he faces 175 years in prison for alleged breaches of espionage laws. The evidence against him concerns the publication in 2010 and 2011 of materials (including a chilling video showing US troops killing civilians in Iraq) about the US and its allies’ tactics and war crimes there and in Afghanistan. We now know that in 2017 CIA wanted to “take him out”, or kill him, according to revelations published by Yahoo News.

    The essence of the case can be summarised this way: Assange, an Australian citizen, is being prosecuted by the United States for speaking truth to power (by providing a window into nefarious activities of the military industrial complex). His motivation was the pursuit of transparency, justice, and ultimately peace.

    These pursuits are central to the job of any journalist. In publishing this material, Julian Assange was doing his job – as a journalist and as a citizen. However, he has been cast adrift by the Australian government, despite it professing to be committed to values like freedom of speech and a free media. This refusal by Canberra to speak frankly to its number one friend in Washington and demand the end of the persecution of its citizen Assange provides an opportunity for New Zealand. The opportunity to uphold the human rights values which are at stake here and use its renowned independence and sense of principle to support Assange.

    New Zealand has built its reputation as being at the forefront of human rights advancement, dignity and responsible citizenship – it is trusted internationally as being fair (and kind). It is in many respects a diplomatic powerhouse able to achieve agreements and navigate contentious political waters when others can’t.

    Assange has always stated “The goal is justice, the method is transparency . . . . If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth.” This is a totally consistent position with New Zealand’s stance on peaceful diplomacy, from Nuclear Free NZ, to the successful ‘Soldiers Without Guns’ peace mission in Bougainville.

    The other reason for New Zealand involving itself in the Assange case is because of the extraordinarily dangerous precedent this case sets for journalists anywhere in the world. By way of background, the Obama administration initially declined to prosecute Assange due to what it called the “New York Times problem”—the dilemma of indicting Assange for the very same kind of investigative journalism that mainstream media practices. However under President Trump the Justice Department indicted Assange under espionage legislation.

    No media outlet or journalist has ever been successfully prosecuted under the espionage laws Act for publishing truthful information in the public interest, which is protected by the First Amendment.

    But the message from the US to all journalists and citizens, no matter where in the world they are, is if you publish material which Washington wishes to keep secret then you can be the subject of an extradition request.

    The Assange case is not simply a bilateral issue between the US and UK or the US and Australia. It is about critical democratic values being put at risk by a dominant world power. On this basis it is time for New Zealand, with its respected voice on human rights to make a stand.

    New Zealand has long established relationships with the US, UK and Australia. The persecution and plots of assassination against a South Pacific journalist for revealing war crimes, demands a clear response. New Zealand can use its position as a small principled nation to stand for its values and offer Julian Assange asylum.

    NOTE: This OP-ED is released for general non-exclusive publication and is authorised by Greg Barns SC and Craig Tuck – Human Rights lawyers from Australia and New Zealand.

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  • : Greg Barnes SC
  • : Human Rights Lawyer
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Flow Software releases the future of integration software, Statelake.

  • : Flow Software
  • : 27/10/2021
  • Flow Software has released the future of integration software – its new platform, Statelake. Built with modern business and technology needs in mind, Statelake allows businesses to connect their internal and external systems to customers and trading partners, quickly and cost-effectively so that they can focus on growing and scaling their business.

    Today, so many businesses can’t quickly and easily take on large accounts or new customers, because they simply don’t have the staff or systems to deal with them. Statelake can automate business processes and data flow between systems eliminating the need for any manual intervention for new orders, accounts and more.

    Businesses like Villa Maria, Fliway, Manawanui and Lewis Road Creamery have experienced staggering year on year growth, without needing to take on new staff or put expensive new systems in place thanks to Flow Software’s products.

    In fact, Flow Software has been helping businesses of all sizes achieve digital transformation and operational efficiency since 2003. Its impressive list of over 400 clients across both New Zealand and Australia include Tegel Foods, Kotahi, Whittakers, Sleepyhead and Giltrap Motor Group.

    David Masters, Flow Software’s CEO and Managing Director said “Through the automation of transactions and data exchange, businesses can achieve real competitive advantage and see dramatic increases in the ROI of their entire technology investment. The success of our customers is what inspires and empowers us as a business. We are excited about the impact Statelake will have for businesses looking to grow and scale sustainably.”

    Statelake also provides stateful visibility of business transactions, meaning businesses can reduce their risk and make better decisions. This allows them to adapt faster to their customers‘ needs, providing an even better experience.

    This release is the first version of the new Statelake platform, with ongoing releases planned later this year and beyond. Each new release delivers enhanced features, ensuring Statelake is future-proofed to meet customers’ ever-changing needs.

     Technical specifications

    Statelake is a 64bit product with full Unicode support up to date with the latest security and encryption requirements.  Statelake also features full support for hybrid-cloud environments, unlike other cloud-only solutions. Statelake benefits from Flow Software’s experience connecting over 150+ local and global business applications including ERP, WMS, TMS, CRMs across both New Zealand and Australia.

    Further technical details are available on

    More information is available on Flow Software’s website, or interested businesses can contact Head of Sales, Andrew Glasson.

    For more information on Statelake:

    M: +64 21 224 3569 | E:

    For general enquiries: | P: +64 9 476 3569 | E:



  • : Emma Hill
  • : Marketing & Communications Manager
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Flow Software unveils new integration platform Statelake, empowering SMBs to supercharge their growth

  • : Flow Software
  • : 19/10/2021 10:30
  • Flow Software has just opened registrations of interest in both Australia and NZ for its new integration software platform, Statelake.

    Flow Software has been helping businesses of all sizes achieve digital transformation and operational efficiency since 2003 and has an impressive list of over 400 clients including Kotahi, Villa Maria, Fliway, Tegel Foods and Whitakers.

    Their new platform Statelake will enable businesses to connect quickly and cost-effectively with their own customers, trading partners, and internal applications, providing better visibility and traceability of transactions. Ultimately, it empowers companies to scale-up and take on new business without being dependent on increasing head-count to manage the growth.

    Watch the Statelake video here

    The launch of the new platform is the perfect time for Flow Software to take Statelake directly to the Australian market where they already have over 150 customers through their existing partnerships. Over the years, they have acquired deep expertise and a variety of customers in the logistics and supply chain sector, and this will be a key market they will service in Australia.

    David Masters, Flow Software CEO & Managing Director says “We see huge potential in Australia to replicate the success we’ve had in the transport and logistics sector in New Zealand. Statelake will provide NZ and Australian businesses of all sizes the opportunity to benefit from cost effective business to business connectivity, enabling them to reduce costs and scale faster.”

    Flow Software is taking registrations of interest from businesses who want more information on the Statelake platform, and how other customers are using it to make their systems and processes easier and more cost effective. Interested businesses can find out more at or by contacting Head of Sales, Andrew Glasson.

    For more information on Statelake:

    M: +64 21 224 3569 | E:

    For general enquiries about Flow Software: | P: +64 9 476 3569 | E:

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  • : Emma Hill
  • : Marketing & Communications Manager
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PODCAST: Covid-19 & Melanesian Instability with Buchanan + Manning + Dr David Robie

Introducing the Ecommerce Accounting Hub by A2X

  • : A2X Accounting
  • : 10/08/2021
  • Managing the accounting for an online business can be challenging. Between rapidly changing tax laws, increasing levels of automation and ever increasing complexity, it’s easy to get confused.

    Launched today, the Ecommerce Accounting Hub by A2X brings together a comprehensive collection of educational resources that explore almost every aspect of accounting for today’s online businesses. 

    From the latest trends, research and data, to tried-and-trusted methods, the Ecommerce Accounting Hub provides a one-stop shop of the latest insights, knowledge and advice to help both sellers and their accountants to prosper in this rapidly evolving environment.

    The Ecommerce Accounting Hub brings together educational guides on the following topics:

    • The fundamentals of ecommerce accounting.
    • What you need to know about ecommerce sales tax.
    • The most important things to know for successfully accounting for Amazon, Shopify and eBay transactions.
    • What accountants need to know to best serve ecommerce sellers.

    The hub helps readers to gain a broad understanding of their chosen topic with actionable advice and information they can apply to their businesses straight away. 

    “Our goal here at A2X is to make ecommerce accounting easy. By creating the Ecommerce Accounting Hub, we hope to help more sellers and their accountants to demystify ecommerce accounting and support their ongoing success.” – Callum Armstrong, Content Manager at A2X.

    You can find the Ecommerce Accounting Hub at

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PODCAST: Buchanan + Manning on Cyber-Attacks and the Evolution of Hybrid Warfare

Up on the big screen: New Zealand startup CloudCannon graces inspiring film “Outside the Valley”.

  • : CloudCannon
  • : 26/05/2021
  • Follow the tales of homegrown tech startup CloudCannon in the upcoming international documentary film “Outside the Valley”.

    Created by award-winning documentary producer and director Hunter Weeks, along with start-up legend J. Ryan Williams, the film Outside the Valley is set to hit the big screen in Dunedin on June 1st, 2021, 6PM at Rialto Cinemas.

    The feature highlights the intriguing journey of startups from challenging norms and doubts, to succeeding in a cut-throat competition in the midst of a global pandemic. The documentary film Includes Dunedin’s very own CloudCannon, a software company on a mission to develop tools that enable companies to build and manage remarkable websites.

    CloudCannon was spearheaded by founders George Phillips and Mike Neumegen and continues to create massive impact from this side of the world by supporting global enterprises, including many Silicon Valley companies, with their content management needs.

    “We’re honoured to be part of this documentary. CloudCannon is serving customers around the globe and doing it from Dunedin, it’s exciting to see other companies succeeding from unlikely places. Sharing our story to help inspire others to take the same journey is really empowering to say the least,” Neumegen says.

    Learn more about the documentary and screening schedules worldwide through and

    About CloudCannon

    CloudCannon makes building and managing static sites simple and easy by bringing all of the required elements together into an ‘all in one’ platform. Organisations seeking to leverage the performance benefits of static sites can use CloudCannon to connect to Git, automate a Jekyll or Hugo build on CloudCannon and host their site on CloudCannon’s global CDN all for one monthly price.

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Alimetry Leaves Stealth Mode to Announce CE Mark on New Wearable Medical Device for Gastric Diseases and Investment

  • : Alimetry Ltd
  • : 16/04/2021
  • Alimetry, a digital healthcare and diagnostic devices start-up, announced today that it has achieved CE Mark for its first product, a pioneering medical device for enabling diagnosis of gastric diseases.

    The new wearable product, called Gastric Alimetry, is positioned to transform the diagnostic pathway for millions of patients worldwide suffering from diseases such as functional dyspepsia, gastroparesis and chronic nausea and vomiting. Gastric symptoms are extremely prevalent and impart a vast burden, affecting around 10% of the global population. The Gastric Alimetry device collects data by non-invasively sensing the activity of the stomach from the body surface. The data is sent to the cloud for analysis, and is used by clinicians to determine the causes of gastric symptoms and direct treatment.

    Co-Founder and CEO Professor Greg O’Grady said “As clinicians, we lack the tools we need to reliably diagnose gastric disorders.  This contributes greatly to the frustration and suffering of our patients.  I was driven to this cause by seeing too many patients go through laborious, invasive and expensive rounds of repeat diagnostic testing, only to end up with inconclusive results and confusion. We invented Gastric Alimetry to help address this need. I am immensely proud of our hard-working team who have delivered an incredibly creative solution with outstanding potential to impact patient care.”

    In addition to successfully achieving CE mark for the Gastric Alimetry product, enabling the company to start commercializing the medical device in European countries, Alimetry also announced today that it had achieved the ISO 13485 international quality management system accreditation. As it grows global operations, the company has enhanced its executive team with new appointments. Hanie Yee joined the company as Chief Operating Officer, from her previous role as Clinical Business Lead at Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, and Professor Chris Andrews, a leading gastroenterologist from Canada, has joined Alimetry as Chief Medical Officer.

    Alimetry has been the culmination of over a decade of award-winning scientific research out of The University of Auckland, backed by scientific grants from the New Zealand Health Research Council and the US National Institutes of Health, followed by Callaghan Innovation funding. To support the next phase of growth, the company completed its first institutional investment round, led by IP Group, a leading international intellectual property commercialisation company. The investment round was supported by UniServices Ltd (via the University of Auckland’s Inventors’ Fund), and Matū, a New Zealand early-stage science and deep-tech venture capital fund.  The capital raised by Alimetry will be used to advance the company’s clinical trials, enter the market, and progress regulatory approval in the United States.

    The Managing Director of IP Group Australia, Dr Michael Molinari, said “We are excited to be working with Professor O’Grady and the world-class team at Alimetry to provide a step change in the quality of life for millions of patients with gastric disorders. This technology, at the intersection of multiple exponentially growing fields such as wearable medical devices, digital health, and machine-learning assisted diagnostics, is another great example of the breakthrough innovations coming from our partners at the University of Auckland”.

    About Alimetry

    Alimetry was founded in 2019 as a spin-out company from the University of Auckland’s Bioengineering Institute and Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. The company was founded on a background of world-leading science in gastrointestinal diseases.  Alimetry is dedicated to improving the lives of patients by delivering innovative medical solutions to advance GI diagnostics and enable targeted therapies.

    About IP Group

    IP Group is a leading intellectual property commercialisation company focused on evolving great ideas from its partner universities into world-changing businesses. The Group pioneered a unique approach to developing these ideas and the resulting businesses by providing access to business building expertise, capital, scientific insight, and the supporting infrastructure. In Australia and New Zealand, IP Group works in close partnership with the Go8 Universities and the University of Auckland to identify ground-breaking technologies, rooted in hard science, which have the most promising commercial potential. IP Group, which is listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange under the symbol IPO, has a strong track record of success and its portfolio comprises holdings in early stage to mature businesses across life sciences and technology.

    Discover more at

    About The University of Auckland Inventors’ Fund.  The University of Auckland Inventors Fund is an evergreen, open-ended $20 million investment fund owned and managed by Auckland UniServices Limited, the commercial company for The University of Auckland.  The Inventors’ Fund provides seed-capital for ventures started out of the University of Auckland.

    About Matū Fund. Matū is a venture capital fund investing in early-stage science and deep technology commercialisation from education and research institutions and the private sector. As an open and evergreen fund, Matū takes a long-term investment view and is aimed at turning ground-breaking ideas into globally focused, IP-rich companies. Matū provides intelligent capital with active governance, executive management, operational support, and mentorship for founding and executive teams.

    Released images (png format):

    Alimetry Reader

    Alimetry System Light

    Alimetry System on Body

    Contact Information:

    Hanie Yee, Chief Operating Officer


    M: +64 (0) 21 651 226

    Social Media:

    Twitter: @alimetry_ltd

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  • : Hanie Yee
  • : Chief Operating Officer
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  • : Manyone
  • : 15/04/2021
  • Vancouver, Canada – April 15th, 2021 – Manyone, a pioneering technology venture in decentralization and digital identity, is delighted to announce that 2021 marks the second year of the strategic collaboration between Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation and the Blockchain@UBC research cluster at the University of British Columbia.

    This academic-industry partnership is one of the first to critically assess the feasibility of decentralized social media, explore engineering possibilities and configure the privacy and security implications of self-ownership of social media data.

    Blockchain@UBC Graduate researchers gain research opportunities at Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation by applying for grants from MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex System), a Canadian non-profit research organization that fosters cross-sector collaboration and develops talents for the innovation ecosystem in Canada. 

    In the next year, UBC researchers will identify technical requirements for decentralized identities, design new system architecture, and explore the value and business models for blockchain-based identity management.

    Chang Lu, Research Manager at Blockchain@UBC states that, “Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation offer an inspiring space for our students to sharpen their knowledge about blockchain. Their vision of decentralized social media represents a paradigm shift in the world of social networks. We are grateful that we can contribute to the shift”.

    Michael Cholod CEO at Manyone and The Peer Social Foundation comments, “As a Vancouver based pioneering enterprise, we value the opportunity to work with academics and researchers in Canada to identify the social and organizational impact of decentralized identity and determine the privacy and security implications of self-ownership of social media data. The academics at UBC help us in understanding the bigger picture and how to look for real world solutions.”

    Dr. Victoria Lemieux, Blockchain@UBC Co-Lead and Associate Professor at UBC’s School of Information, further adds that, “We’re excited to delve further into both the technological and policy ramifications of Manyone’s vision of securing digital data free from manipulation or distortion and to support technical and social innovation in Canada”.

    Manyone, with offices in Vancouver, Canada and Stockholm, Sweden is launching the world’s first decentralised secure messaging and identity sharing platform in April 2021.

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