Introducing NEW Selaks Origins Breeze 5%

  • : Selaks
  • : 20/08/2024
  • Selaks, a pioneer in New Zealand’s wine industry, proudly unveils Selaks Origins Breeze 5%, a revolutionary addition to its portfolio.

    Launching this August, Selaks Origins Breeze 5% makes its timely debut following Dry July, pioneering Selak’s first ever 5% alcohol offering in New Zealand. Each bottle promises an easy-drinking experience with just 3 standard drinks per 750ml bottle at 5% ABV.

    Research consistently indicates a growing demand for lower-alcohol beverages. Consumers are increasingly mindful of their alcohol intake and are actively seeking options that allow them to enjoy wine in moderation. This shift reflects a broader cultural movement in New Zealand towards more responsible drinking habits.

    The Origins Breeze range uses the Piquette method, a traditional technique originating from France. Piquette is made by rescuing already pressed winemaking grapes and giving them a second squeeze, resulting in a refreshing range that includes a crisp Piquette from Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, a summer berry-infused Piquette Rosé, and a vibrant Piquette from Pinot Gris.

    “Utilizing the traditional Piquette method, we’ve crafted fruit wines that not only minimize waste but also maximize the vibrant fruit flavors that define our fruit wines.” said David Edmonds, Chief Winemaker at Selaks. 

    Crafted with innovation and waste reduction in mind, this range caters to wine enthusiasts and health-conscious consumers alike, seeking a flavourful, lighter option without compromising on taste.

    “At Selaks, we’re excited to introduce the Origins Breeze 5% range, a testament to our commitment to quality and innovation,” added Edmonds.

    “We’ve focused on creating a product that captures the bright, fresh characteristics of our fruit, appealing to a broad spectrum of consumers,”

    Selaks Origins Breeze 5% is poised to redefine expectations of lower-alcohol fruit wines, offering a delicious choice for any occasion.

    About Selaks: 90 Years of Winemaking

    Founded with a rich heritage, Selaks is celebrated for crafting exceptional New Zealand wines that honor tradition while embracing innovation. Since Marino Selak arrived from Croatia in 1906, he and his nephew began creating wines that have become favorites across New Zealand, marking the start of Selaks’ legacy of excellence in winemaking.

    From their humble beginnings in West Auckland to their current home in the Hawke’s Bay, they’ve built a legacy steeped in tradition and passion. Each bottle carries the essence of those who have shaped its creation, preserving the spirit of their winemaking family through the generations. Selaks’ commitment to quality and excellence has traveled far beyond borders, embraced by wine lovers across the globe.

    For more information about Selaks Origins Breeze 5% visit 

  • Selaks 5% 3 Bottle Tile
  • : Misty Johnston
  • : PR Agency
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  • : 021449680

Christmas crunch: 60% of Kiwis stressed about the cost of Christmas

  • : Banked NZ
  • : 30/11/2022
  • 30 November 2022, New Zealand


    • Kiwis to spend an average of $623 on gifts this year.
    • Women much more stressed about Christmas costs than men.
    • Almost two-thirds would pay more for a sustainable gift.

    The majority of Kiwis feel stressed about the cost of this year’s Christmas, reveals the latest research from personal finance information website Banked.

    A survey of 1,020 New Zealanders found that 60% of Kiwis describe themselves as either a ‘little stressed’ (46%) or ‘very stressed’ (14%) about the expenditure involved with this year’s festivities.

    Women are feeling under more pressure than men, with 70% reporting some level of stress, compared with 49% of men.

    Banked’s Christmas spending report found that Kiwis will spend an average of $623 on gifts this year. Women said they expect to spend $566 on average, while for men that figure climbs to $712.

    “With rocketing inflation and a cost of living crisis to contend with, lots of New Zealanders are really feeling the pinch this Christmas,” says Kevin McHugh, Head of Publishing at Banked.

    “Many will be worrying about their personal finances when they should be able to wind down and appreciate some well-earned time off with friends and loved ones.”

    Banked’s research also found that sustainability is an important consideration for Kiwis when buying gifts. Almost two-thirds (65%) say they would be willing to pay more for a gift if it was sustainable, such as one that involved zero waste or was made from recyclable materials.

    Younger people are even more interested in sustainable gift-giving, with 76% of those aged 18-24 (falling into the Gen Z age group) stating that they would be willing to pay more for a sustainable gift.

    Conversely, under half (49%) of those aged 55 and older say they would be willing to pay extra for a gift if it was sustainable.

    “Sustainability is a vital issue and it’s pleasing that so many Kiwis are willing to support it, even if it costs them a little extra at the checkout,” says McHugh.

    See Banked’s NZ Christmas Spending Report 2022.

    Top ways to save this Christmas

    Don’t feel obligated to spend beyond your means – “Christmas is an expensive time and many feel pressure to spend money that they don’t have,” says McHugh.

    “Don’t feel an obligation to buy gifts you’ll struggle to afford or take part in every costly social event. Put your wallet and your wellbeing first.”

    Secret Santa or group gifting – “Arranging a Secret Santa is a great way to cut costs. It can also be lots of fun and lets you focus on getting a great gift for one person.

    “Chipping in with others for a group gift is another excellent way to save, plus it makes it possible to purchase an otherwise unaffordable present,” says McHugh.

    Set a budget (and stick to it) – “It can be easy to overspend at Christmas. But by setting a budget and keeping track of your spending, you’ll make managing your finances over the festive period much easier,” advises McHugh.


    About Banked

    Banked is a financial information and deals website that has the goal of helping New Zealanders make the best decisions on the products they need.

  • : Kevin McHugh
  • : Head of Publishing
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Media Giants Call on Biden to Drop Charges Against Assange

  • : Aotearoa 4 Assange
  • : 29/11/2022
  • Five of the world’s leading news outlets have sent an open letter to US President Joe Biden asking him to drop the charges against Australian Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.

    The letter states the charges against him set a ‘dangerous precedent’, relating to receiving and publishing classified material that revealed war crimes, torture, and environmental crimes. Assange is currently in a maximum security prison in London, and hundreds of doctors warn he could ‘die in jail in the coming months’.

    The New York Times used a photo of the Human Chain around British Parliament on October 8th, that New Zealander Matt Ó Branáin inspired. Ó Branáin welcomed the statement from the top Media brass saying ‘Joe Biden cannot run from this any longer. It would be a huge mistake to allow this disastrous prosecution to fall under his legacy. Free Speech is integral to the US identity and international respect.’

    Ó Branáin renewed calls for Jacinda Ardern to intervene diplomatically with Joe Biden and Rishi Sunak, saying ‘the case imperils not only Global Press Freedom, but New Zealand journalists working or travelling abroad, the integrity and safety of our troops, and the broader New Zealand public’s right to know. Staying silent on this is complicity, and will not age well, especially if he dies in prison. The public awareness of the significance of this case is growing every day.’

    The letter signed by five major media outlets states:

    ‘This indictment sets a dangerous precedent . . . Holding governments accountable is part of the core mission of a free press in a democracy. Obtaining and disclosing sensitive information when necessary in the public interest is a core part of the daily work of journalists. If that work is criminalised, our public discourse and our democracies are made significantly weaker. . . It is time for the U.S. government to end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets.’

    Publishing is not a crime.

    The editors and publishers of:

    The New York Times
    The Guardian
    Le Monde
    El Pais’

  • matt-chain
  • : Matt Ó Branáin
  • : National Co-ordinator of Aotearoa 4 Assange
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Kiwi Inspires Global Free Assange Human Chain Events

  • : Aotearoa 4 Assange
  • : 3/10/22
  • Auckland activist Matt Ó Branáin has inspired a worldwide movement of Human Chains on October 8th to free jailed Australian journalist Julian Assange.

    Ó Branáin proposed the idea of a Human Chain to #HugBelmarsh prison, which gained international support, and was retweeted by Julian’s wife Stella Assange. Due to some difficulties surrounding the prison, it has turned into a #FreeAssangeHumanChain of 5,000 surrounding British Parliament.
    Now 16 cities around the world will hold Free Assange Human Chains, including Washington DC, Ottowa, Wellington and Paris all on October 8th.

    Ó Branáin says ‘I feel simultaneously humbled and in awe of what a difference any of us can make, when we inspire others to unite. There’s nothing we can’t do when we stand together.’

    Julian Assange is currently in solitary confinement in a UK Supermax Prison, despite not serving a sentence. Top forensic psychologists, a UN expert, and hundreds of doctors say Julian Assange is being ‘tortured’ and is likely to die in the next few months if he is not freed.

    ‘This is the most crucial Human Rights battle of this Century, because the Right to Know is the master key to protecting all our rights. Every credible authority from the UN to Amnesty International is saying Julian’s imprisonment, and the US charges against him undermine Global Press Freedom. If it’s a crime to tell the truth we can’t solve anything. ‘

    Ó Branáin has launched a campaign asking kiwis to help him go and represent Aotearoa at the Chain in London. He will write the names of all who support him on raranga flax ribbons he will take to the event.
    ‘I know from talking to kiwis everywhere, nobody wants an Aussie journalist to die in prison for telling the truth. We gotta get him out. I’m asking kiwis to get behind me so I can represent them.’

    Matt is a teacher, media-designer and musician, who became intensely engaged on the Assange case when he read the findings of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer. For two years Matt has devoted the majority of his time to campaigning on this. He formed Aotearoa 4 Assange, and he recently committed to wearing what he calls ‘Gitmo Chic’ every day till Julian is free. An orange Guantanamo Bay style prisoner suit, and sign. ‘It’s been starting conversations everywhere I go. Kiwis are not at all happy when they hear an Aussie journalist is being tortured to death for telling the truth.’

    ‘Our Government, and Jacinda Ardern, need to urgently engage in diplomatic representations with our allies the UK and US, to ensure Julian’s release. All our rights are imperilled by his imprisonment, and by the US charges against him. There isn’t a bigger threat to the Western Democratic system than this case.’

    ‘Jacinda Ardern, has criticised misinformation at the UN, but where does she stand on truthful reporting?’

    • #FreeAssangeHumanChain around UK
      Parliament, London, 1pm October 8th, 1pm
    • #FreeAssangeHumanChain at the Beehive, Wellington, 12pm October 8th.
  • Matt chain
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  • : Matt Ó Branáin
  • : National Co-ordinator of Aotearoa 4 Assange
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Julian Assange Permitted to Marry in Belmarsh Prison

  • : Aotearoa 4 Assange
  • : 14/03/2022
  • Julian Assange Permitted to Marry in Belmarsh Prison

    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has been given permission to marry his fiancée Stella Morris in the maximum security Belmarsh prison in London on March 23rd. Stella is a member of his legal team and mother of his two young children. The couple had to fight for their right to marry, even bringing legal action against the UK Government.

    Julian and Stella will be dressed by Vivienne Westwood. Julian will wear a kilt, honouring his Scottish ancestry. The couple are said to be very excited despite the severe restrictions imposed on the ceremony. They will be permitted only four guests and have been denied the request to marry in the prison’s Chapel, despite the fact that Julian regularly worships their.

    Stella told the Daily Mail that the right to marry is ‘written into law’ in the UK. ‘Of course, the circumstances are not ideal but I am relieved that reason has prevailed and I hope there will be no further interference with our marriage. Julian is not charged with any crime in this country, he is not serving a sentence, his imprisonment serves no purpose at all other than to prolong and make his suffering worse. I hope the injustice of this situation is swiftly brought to an end so that we can enjoy marriage outside of the walls of Belmarsh when he is freed.’

    Assange is being held in the notorious Belmarsh prison despite not being convicted of anything. He is awaiting the outcome of a US extradition request to face charges of ‘espionage’ for publishing evidence of war crimes and torture. Press freedom groups warn this unprecedented prosecution would criminalise fundamental journalistic practices.

    Assange recently suffered a minor stroke, and doctors warn this will likely lead to a fatal stroke if his conditions are not improved quickly. He is detained in solitary confinement 23 hours per day, which fits the definition of torture under international law. The Australian Government has been criticised for ‘sitting on their hands’ over one of their citizens. The UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer said The Australian Government as ‘failed to support Julian Assange, and is complicit in his psychological torture.’

    Helen Clark recently said ‘You do wonder when the hatchet can be buried with Assange? And not buried in his head by the way. But at some point, could people move on? I do think that the information that’s been disclosed by whistle-blowers down through the ages has been very important in broader publics getting to know what is really going on behind the scenes. And should people pay this kind of price for that? I don’t think so… The real issue really is the activities they were exposing, not their actions of exposure.’

    Aoteroa 4 Assange is calling on the New Zealand Government to stand for Assange to protect human rights, the public’s right to know and peace.

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  • : Matt Ó Branáin
  • : National Co-ordinator of Aotearoa 4 Assange
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Teams “Yadrava na Vanua” from Fiji and “Not Basic” from New Zealand win the Grand Prizes for Space Challenge

  • : SpaceBase Limited
  • : 18/02/2022
  • Christchurch—18 February 2022. 

    Yadrava na Vanua (Environment Watch) from Suva, Fiji won the Grand Prize today for the Space for Planet Earth Challenge.

    Their project focused on integrating satellite data on land cover types across Fiji with ground truth measurements, and refining the carbon sequestration data with machine learning analysis of high resolution satellite images from Planet to generate international standard levels of measurements, reporting, and verification of carbon stocks.

    Separately, “Not Basic” from Newlands College, Wellington, New Zealand, won the Grand Prize at the High School level. Their work featured using machine learning analysis of satellite data to predict the conditions leading to coral bleaching as detected within the Allen Coral Atlas with Planet satellite data.

    Six teams from New Zealand, Australia, and Fiji competed in demo sessions with a panel of judges, then a Pitch presentation to a live online audience. The winners are awarded cash prizes of $30,000 and $10,000 each, satellite data from company Planet, and mentorship from SpaceBase.  Additionally the High School team will receive scholarships from the US Based MMAARS Academy to attend their Level 1 Virtual Mars Programme.

    “The presentations that I’ve seen were so amazing…and I was blown away by the ideas and the ability that they’ve shown…Planet is so proud to be part of this competition,” Dr. Tanya Harrison, Director of Strategic Innovation for Planet and a Finals Judge for the competition, said at the event.

    The winners were selected by judges from Planet, the U.S. Embassy to New Zealand, Pacific GIS and Remote Sensing Council, Rocket Lab, Callaghan Innovation, ChristchurchNZ, Callaghan Innovation, and

    The awards were presented by the NZ Space Agency and the U.S. Embassy. 

    “I’ve been extremely impressed with the sophistication of the solutions that have been developed, by the approach of looking for different data sources to incorporate into those solutions, to reaching out to other organisations, establishing partnerships to make this more effective, and the quality of the presentations,” said Dimitri Geidelberg, Principal Advisor to the Agency.

    The Challenge was the brainchild of SpaceBase founders who leverage incentive prizes and space technologies to catalyse innovation while solving tough problems in the region.  “Already, we see the Challenge as pushing the teams to accelerate their research and create opportunities they may not otherwise have been able to realise.” said Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, CEO of SpaceBase. “We think this is only the beginning for these climate change focused innovations, and we hope to continue to support these teams in their progress over the coming months and years.”

    For more information about the Challenge and the Winners, go to

    The Challenge is made possible by a partnership between SpaceBase Limited and Planet.  Sponsors include the U.S. Embassy in New Zealand, K1W1, NZ Space Agency, ChristchurchNZ,, Clare Foundation, Greenlight Ventures, Namaste Foundation, Engineering Dreams, MMAARS Academy, and Christchurch City Council.

    SpaceBase Limited is a New Zealand based education and consulting social enterprise, whose mission is to democratise access to space for everyone. SpaceBase is creating equal opportunity to leverage space technologies to solve problems on Earth, by catalysing space ecosystems in developing and emerging countries, starting in New Zealand.  Since its incorporation in 2017, it has collaborated with economic development agencies, local governments, and advocacy groups to deliver over 100 educational presentations and workshops; two national space and aerospace competitions, as well as helping birth space communities and organisations locally and globally. SpaceBase created a platform for the NZ Aerospace Directory and a free course, Catalysing a Space Industry in Your Region, for anyone interested in creating a local space industry. SpaceBase is also the NZ Ambassador for the International Space University. 

  • Promo Video Thumbnail
  • : Emeline Dulce M Paat-Dahlstrom
  • : CEO
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Assange raises NZ$80 million through collaboration with crypto artist Pak

  • : Aotearoa 4 Assange
  • : 11/02/2022
  • Jailed journalist Julian Assange has recieved a massive boost to his campaign to regain his freedom, raising a record-breaking NZ$80 million in less than a week on the Juice box crypto platform.
    Renowned crypto-artist Pak collaborated with Assange, to produce NFT artworks which have been used solely to raise money for Assange’s defence and other press freedom and humanitarian causes.

    The artwork came in two parts. A 1/1 edition titled ‘Clock’ which counts the days which Assange has spent behind bars, and an open edition titled ‘Censored’ which allows buyers to craft their own unique message which gets ‘censored’ with a line through it.

    Assange is fighting against extradition to the US for publishing secret documents which exposed state crimes. This is an unprecedented case that Amnesty International and other human rights groups are warning threatens global press freedom and freedom of information .

    Tens of thousands of people have joined AssangeDAO to raise the 16593.05 ethereum used to win the art auction in support of Assange. AssangeDAO moderator JB said in a statement ‘this is tens of thousands of people coming together to show real strength – the Power of the People. In less than one week, we have shown that decentralised and distributed peoples can band together to fight injustice.’

  • : Matt Ó Branáin
  • : National Co-ordinator of Aotearoa 4 Assange
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  • : 0204382863
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Up on the big screen: New Zealand startup CloudCannon graces inspiring film “Outside the Valley”.

  • : CloudCannon
  • : 26/05/2021
  • Follow the tales of homegrown tech startup CloudCannon in the upcoming international documentary film “Outside the Valley”.

    Created by award-winning documentary producer and director Hunter Weeks, along with start-up legend J. Ryan Williams, the film Outside the Valley is set to hit the big screen in Dunedin on June 1st, 2021, 6PM at Rialto Cinemas.

    The feature highlights the intriguing journey of startups from challenging norms and doubts, to succeeding in a cut-throat competition in the midst of a global pandemic. The documentary film Includes Dunedin’s very own CloudCannon, a software company on a mission to develop tools that enable companies to build and manage remarkable websites.

    CloudCannon was spearheaded by founders George Phillips and Mike Neumegen and continues to create massive impact from this side of the world by supporting global enterprises, including many Silicon Valley companies, with their content management needs.

    “We’re honoured to be part of this documentary. CloudCannon is serving customers around the globe and doing it from Dunedin, it’s exciting to see other companies succeeding from unlikely places. Sharing our story to help inspire others to take the same journey is really empowering to say the least,” Neumegen says.

    Learn more about the documentary and screening schedules worldwide through and

    About CloudCannon

    CloudCannon makes building and managing static sites simple and easy by bringing all of the required elements together into an ‘all in one’ platform. Organisations seeking to leverage the performance benefits of static sites can use CloudCannon to connect to Git, automate a Jekyll or Hugo build on CloudCannon and host their site on CloudCannon’s global CDN all for one monthly price.

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  • : Tim Nichols
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Return of Missing Sculpture Urged – Stations of the Cross by Llew Summers

  • : Llew Summers Family
  • : 12/04/2021
  • A reward is offered for information leading to the safe return of one of the Stations of the Cross, carved by sculptor, the late Llew Summers.

    Llew’s partner and artistic executor, Robyn Webster says that while she is immensely grateful that the church authorities have managed to retrieve all the other Stations, the loss of one means that the set is now incomplete. It is assumed to have been stolen.

    Webster said: “These Stations, commissioned to mark the centenary of the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, were of immense importance to Llew. He carved only one set, and they held great significance for him. Without the missing Station, it is less likely that they will find a home in the new cathedral. We still miss Llew deeply and to lose even one of these wonderfully original works full of the humanity and pathos of Christ’s journey to the cross would be an added blow – I hope it can be safely returned.”

    The missing Station is number 5 ‘Simon helps Jesus carry the cross’

  • Llew Summers Stations of the Cross V
  • : Robyn Webster
  • : Llew Summers' partner and artistic executor
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  • : 0210394251


  • : Manyone Inc.
  • : 25/02/2021
  • Vancouver, Canada – February 25th, 2021 – Manyone Inc., a pioneering technology venture in decentralization and digital identity, is delighted to announce that it has entered into a new strategic relationship with the globally renowned University College London (UCL) Centre Blockchain Technology (CBT).

    This partnership will support research conducted by UCL CBT’s Senior Research Associate, Dr Geoffrey Goodell, to explore and evaluate end-user technology systems, infrastructure, business imperatives, and regulatory policy to support the privacy, dignity, and market power of individual persons in the emerging digital economy. The research is aimed at identifying the requirements and approaches for systems whose features specifically support the advancement of truly consensual trust relationships, the empowerment of local communities, and the public interest.

    Vancouver-based Manyone believes in empowering solutions and technologies with the potential to produce a new, distributed internet where everyone can feel safe, secure and in control of their digital identity.

    Dr Paolo Tasca, Founder and Executive Director of the UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies, notes that, “On behalf of UCL and the Centre for Blockchain Technologies, I am delighted to begin our new partnership with international industry partners Peer Social Foundation and Manyone. We are grateful for their support and recognition of the impactful research being done to meet our shared ambitions. Thanks to their generosity we will continue our proud tradition of enabling academic research with real-world application.”

    Michael Cholod CEO at Manyone and Executive Director of The Peer Social Foundation comments, “As a dedicated group of decentralists, our teams look to find ways to free communication from manipulation and control by protecting individual, business or governmental digital identities. Part of that mission is to work with the most respected and knowledgeable people in the field. The team at UCL represent some of the best thinkers in the area and we’re honoured to work with them.”

    Dr Geoffrey Goodell, Senior Research Associate at UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies, specifically ads that, “The funding from The Peer Social Foundation and Manyone will provide vital resource to explore and evaluate user-controlled identity management, decentralised social networks, and tokenisation as vehicle for authorisation without identification. Our partnership will support the advancement of trusted relationships in the digital economy, the empowerment of local communities for the benefit of public interest. I am excited to deepen our collaboration and share our insights.”

    Manyone, with offices in Vancouver, Canada and Stockholm, Sweden are looking to launch the first decentralised secure messaging solution by Mid-2021.


    Manyone is a pioneering technology venture that aims to deliver private secure networks and private digital identities, to increase personal and enterprise productivity and digital security. Manyone actively works with The Peer Social Foundation on education and research into topics of interest to consumers and enterprise. The Peer Social Foundation and Manyone believe in empowering a distributed internet where everyone can feel in control of their digital identity. They do this by delivering a self-sovereign digital identity and decentralized communication and sharing platform for enterprise and consumers. A critical component of this is to work beside and support vital education, R&D and the open-source community to connect people, business.

    Find out more here:

  • : Michael Cholod
  • : Chief Executive Decentralist
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